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During Cal's latest adventure in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, he'll inevitably confront the fiercest battles he's ever had to face as a Jedi living in hard times under Imperial rule. But not everything is about Cal's quest for Tanalorr in order to save those afflicted by the Empire. We're talking about an entire galaxy after all. There's plenty boiling beneath the surface.

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Jedi: Survivor has plenty of lore and clues as to underlying stories or subtexts that are occurring simultaneously with the events of the game or in some sort of pre-dated history. It's just up to you to truly uncover it all.

Spoilers ahead for Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

7 Lank Denvik: From Republic Hero To Imperial Stooge

Lank Denvik talking in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

In the latter portion of Jedi: Survivor, Cal learns in the most tragic way possible of Bode's treachery. It's only a short while later that he learns that Bode infiltrated Cal's group at the behest of the Imperial officer, Lank Denvik, who had been hunting Cal for quite some time.

But ultimately, Lank aimed to kill two birds with one stone in hopes that Cal would link up with Cere Junda once again and he could deliver both Jedi to the Empire.

Denvik wasn't always twisted Imperial scum. He once fought for the Republic. In fact, he served in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars.

This is also where he first connected with Bode Akuna. However, it seems that when the Republic fell, Denvik opted for self-preservation.

6 Bode's Scheming

Bode Akuma with a serious face in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

For most of Cal's journey in Jedi: Survivor, Bode is relatable, a capable fighter, and a charming talker making it rather easy to enjoy his presence and camaraderie. After all, no one can ignore the plight of a father fighting for a better future for his daughter.

At a pivotal moment, however, Bode reveals that he was simply a snake in the grass. He didn't care about sticking it to the Empire and saving as many as possible from its shadow.

He cared only about his daughter and himself leading to his betrayal and the murder of Eno Cordova.

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The Empire catches up with Cal and Cere on Jedha thanks to the rat Bode apparently always was. But after the dust settles, you can return to Jedha and other locations to pick up force echoes that reveal Bode's thought processes as he schemed against Cal and the crew.

There's one instance where Bode recognizes Cal's infatuation with Merrin and decides to use that against him as a welcome distraction. It's this shift in Bode that makes him one of the most notable characters in Jedi: Survivor

5 Rayvis's Loyalty To Dagan

Rayvis scowls at Cal Kestis in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

As the leader of the Bedlam Raiders, Rayvis truly only knows one thing: bloodshed. He's a hardened warrior who thrives in the heat of combat.

In the early moments of the game, we learn that he is in league with Dagan Gera, a Master Jedi from the High Republic era who had been waiting for his moment to reclaim Tanalorr. Not much is discussed of the relationship between Rayvis and Dagan other than Rayvis is fiercely loyal to the Jedi.

If you pay attention to the dialogue and lore available in the world, you will learn that Rayvis used to be an enemy of the Jedi during the High Republic era. However, Dagan garnered his respect and eternal loyalty after besting him in combat.

Rayvis isn't a very complicated dude. He simply respects strength.

4 A Race Of Invulnerable Beings

Rayvis, a new antagonist in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Little is known about the Gen'Dai, a warrior race whose biology makes them nearly immortal, and if you aren't an avid reader of Star Wars comic books, then you likely were first introduced to this race through Rayvis here in Jedi: Survivor. What we do learn is that the race is a few and far between mostly due to the ruin of their home planet.

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Like Rayvis, they now align themselves with causes, typically violent in nature, that they find to be worthy of their time. Unless killed, they live for centuries, possibly longer as they can regenerate from their wounds rather quickly.

The story of this species is shrouded in mystery. But one can only wonder how a race this powerful lost control of their home world ages ago.

3 The Teachings Of Yaddle

Jaro Tapal lighting a lightsaber in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.

Do you remember Yaddle from The Phantom Menace? She makes a rather brief appearance as a Jedi High Council member and is of the same species as Yoda. She has a more prominent role in the animated Star Wars offerings.

However, Jedi: Survivor does reference this Jedi Master on multiple occasions. However, one particular reference of note is in a conversation with Eno Cordova who reveals that Yaddle was Jaro Tapal's master.

So, in essence, if we look at Jedi training like parental lineage, Yaddle is Cal's grandma! That means, however, that just about everything Cal has learned from Jaro is the same training he once received from Yaddle, which extends her legacy and story in the video game realm.

2 The Story Of The Sacred Texts

Cere Junda stands in her rebuilt Jedi archives on Jedha in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

In The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker, we learn that Luke Skywalker has held on to the sacred texts of the Jedi for many years. It's the last remaining vestige of the Jedi Order.

Jedi: Survivor teaches us the origin of these texts. As Cere attempts to rebuild the Jedi archive, Vader has other plans.

In his battle with Cere, Darth Vader ensures the archives burn to eliminate the remnants of the Jedi. Though, Merrin saves three books from the Jedi archives.

These sacred texts are the very same ones that'll eventually end up in Luke's possession. While we never learned how he gained possession of them in the films, we now at least know where they come from.

1 Boba Fett's Beginnings

Boba Fett stands on Koboh after tying up Caij Vanda in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

In Attack of the Clones, we meet Jango Fett as the basis for the clone army. His own cloned son, Boba Fett is always in his shadow.

The youngster witnesses his father's death at the hands of Mace Windu on Geonosis. Boba carries on the family tradition of becoming a bounty hunter.

He takes on the Beskar armor of his Mandolorian father and upholds the tradition. We see his story as a bounty hunter unfolding ever so briefly in Jedi: Survivor. In fact, he acts as a rather cool cameo that Cal encounters after defeating all the bounty hunters.

However, with Jedi: Survivor confirmed to have occurred in 9 BBY in the Star Wars timeline and the events of Attack of the Clones only occurring 13 short years earlier in 22 BBY, it's safe to say that Boba is a young adult at this stage and just coming into his own as a bounty hunter.

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