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The Chamber of Connection is one of seven meditation chambers in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, providing a brain-teasing puzzle break from the game's usual lightsaber-swinging action. Each chamber provides a perk reward as well as several collectibles to get your hands on: such as currencies like datadisks and priorite shards, cosmetic rewards, and databank entries.

RELATED:Star Wars Jedi: Survivor - Beginner Tips

You can only reach the Chamber of Connection after you’ve completed the Sunken Lucrehulk area in Chapter 4 of the main story, as it requires the force lift ability to reach. Read on for our full step-by-step guide to the Chamber of Connection meditation chamber in Jedi: Survivor and how to get every collectible inside.

Where To Find The Chamber Of Connection

A holographic map that shows the location of the Chamber of Connection in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

You'll find the Chamber of Connection in the Viscid Bog on Koboh. To reach it, fast-travel to the Viscid Bog meditation point, which you'll have passed on your way out of the bog during the main story. If you haven't unlocked the point yet, you can reach it from the island where you found Wini and Zygg by using your new force lift power to pull a climbable pillar out of the swamp.

An image of Cal Kestis from Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, heading towards the Chamber of Connection. There is a grapple point, and he is wading through tar.

To reach the chamber's island, jump onto the zipline directly in front of the meditation point. At the midway point, hop onto the second zipline below it, baring left. You'll land in some tar, but keep wading in a straight line, and you'll be able to connect to a grapple anchor.

How To Solve The Chamber Of Connection

An image demonstrating the first step in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor's Chamber of Connection chamber. It is a mysterious temple overgrown with strange, black Koboh Matter.

The Chamber of Connection makes heavy use of BD-1’s Koboh Grinder ability, which is accessed via BD-1’s visor mode (by default, down on the d-pad or R on a keyboard).

BD-1’s Koboh Grinder spews matter that will ignite when it comes into contact with any Orb Coupler beam. This will burn away Koboh matter barriers like those in this puzzle.

An image of Cal Kestis from Star Wars Jedi: Survivor lifting an orb for use in the Chamber of Connection puzzle.

Head straight ahead to the other side of the main chamber and stand on the button in front of two sliding doors. This will reveal an orb you can force-pull and deposit in the orb coupler behind you.

An image of Cal Kestis from Star Wars Jedi: Survivor using BD1's Koboh grinder ability to draw a flaming line of matter towards a barrier to burn it away.

Place the orb in the orb coupler, and a beam will strike the wall. Use your Koboh Grinder to draw a line of flaming Koboh matter down, across the floor, and towards the Koboh matter barrier on your left.

This will open a hallway. Enter, then scale the wall to your immediate right. Leap across to the platform with two buttons on top of it in the main chamber. These buttons create walls while standing on them, allowing you to draw a line of Koboh matter to the second barrier.

An image of Cal Kestis from Star Wars Jedi: Survivor using the Koboh grinder to draw a second line to another Koboh barrier, across a wall.

Stand on the button closest to the main chamber's entrance, then use the Koboh Grinder to draw a line across the temporary wall. Then, while spraying, move right towards the next button and continue spraying Koboh matter until you hit the second barrier.

Navigate through the new chamber to reach an elevated platform. You'll see a second platform with a second orb coupler and a door. Leap across to it and interact with the door to unlock a shortcut.

The last Koboh Grinder line you need to draw is also the longest. Start from the laser and draw a line towards the hallway on your left, as you did when burning down the first barrier. Continue bearing left, heading up the stairs to the door you just unlocked.

An image of Cal Kestis from Star Wars Jedi: Survivor using the Koboh Grinder to draw a line to the next step of a puzzle in the Chamber of Connection.

Once you reach the second orb coupler, quickly force-pull the orb from the first coupler and place it in the second to create a bridge. You should do this from the ledge you're standing on to save time.

Flaming Koboh matter will extinguish itself after a few seconds, so you’ll need to move fast to relocate the orb.

An image of Cal Kestis from Star Wars Jedi: Survivor using the Koboh Grinder to draw a flaming line of matter over a bridge in the Chamber of Connection

Immediately open BD-1's visor and continue using the Koboh Grinder to draw a line over the bridge. Turn right up the stairs and burn the last and final barrier in the Chamber of Connection. Enter the reward room, and claim the Recuperation perk for your trouble.

All Collectibles In The Chamber Of Connection

An image of a holographic map detailing every collectible in the Chamber of Connection.

The collectibles in the chamber are as follows, marked by the map above:

  1. Databank - Homesick: On the left wall of the main chamber.
  2. Databank - Insolence, or Bravery: At the end of the platform that leads to the reward room.
  3. Databank - Mind Challenge: On the platform with the shortcut door.
  4. Databank - Private Doubts: In the back left corner of the reward room.
  5. Datadisk: In the hallway chamber, after scaling the wall on the right.
  6. Persistence Lightsaber Emitter: In a chest behind a Koboh matter barrier. Use the Koboh grinder to burn it away.
  7. Recuperation Perk: In the middle of the reward room.

NEXT:Star Wars Jedi: Survivor - Complete Guide