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The beautiful and relaxing world of Sun Haven has plenty of things to keep you busy for hundreds of hours. Once you finish the initial part of the main story, you can do activities like farming, mining, foraging, fishing, and finishing the side quests. The game doesn't force you to continue the main story at all.

RELATED: Sun Haven: Best Ways To Earn Tickets

There are a total of three main areas in the game, and each one of them has a respective mine. Sun Haven's mine features a bunch of ore and gems including Havenite, which is one of the rarest items in the game.

How To Find Havenite

Sun Haven MIne Location

Once you're able to freely explore Sun Haven's map, you'll find the mines on the right side at the bottom of the town. To get there, head out the passage to the right side of your farm and keep going right. In the mining area, you'll see a cart that'll take you inside right beside Solon's Smithery.

Sun Haven Mining Floor Pictures

The mines have up to 50 floors and they have a special chest after every ten floors. These chests also mark the end of a certain biome and the beginning of another. You'll see the environment and enemies change drastically after you enter the floor after these chests. For the Havenite ore, you'll need to reach floor 41.

This will require around ten or eleven Copper, Iron, Adamant, and Mithril keys. Technically, you have a chance of getting some Havenite nodes even on floors 38 and 39 since the game tends to tease what's coming next. This is the rarest ore in the game, so there's a chance that you won't find any on floors 41 to 50.

Once you're on a certain floor of the mine, you can only go to the next one using Rusty Keys or special ore keys.

The doors you open using a Rusty Key reset on the next day, which is why it's important to get to floor 40 using the ore keys.

If you want to be efficient while farming Havenite, it's recommended to change the day's speed to 40 minutes in the main menu while you're in the mines. This will give you plenty of time to get past floors 41 to 50 and still have time to do other activities in the day.

Where To Use Havenite

Sun Haven Havenite Ore In Mines

Havenite might be the hardest item to get in the game, but there are very few things it's used for since you can't make a Bar out of it:

  • Havenite is a loved gift for almost every NPC that you can date in the game. If you have a good supply of Havenite, it can be used to get close to the characters easily.
  • It fetches a great price if you sell it through the Selling Portal in the game. It's recommended to save around ten Havenites and sell the rest if you're in dire need of money.
  • At some point, you'll need Havenite to progress in the main story. Some side-quests also require Havenite to create certain items.

NEXT: Sun Haven: Where To Get Sugar