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At the end of the previous chapter in Resident Evil 4 Remake, Leon was separated from Ashley. While Chapter Eight is comparatively short, not having to protect Ashley means the game is willing to throw everything it has at you. From new enemy types to a pulse-pounding boss fight, this is one of the more action-packed chapters in the game.

Related: Resident Evil 4 Remake: Chapter Seven Walkthrough

If you're confounded by the Zealot Leader and his Plaga-enhanced magic, or are having trouble dodging rocks during the rooftop battle with El Gigante, this guide will see you through the chapter. Read on to continue your journey through the perils of Castle Salazar!

This guide contains spoilers.

Updated April 28, 2023: We've updated this article to include a video walkthrough of Chapter Eight for Resident Evil 4 Remake.

How To Get The Crimson Lantern

the crimson lantern statues in resident evil 4 remake

The opening area of this chapter offers a chance to restock after the long battle in the Water Hall. You can visit the merchant in the room behind you, and shooting the fish in the pond near the fountain lets you pick them up and use them as healing items.

The Merchant now offers Body Armor, which you should purchase as soon as you can afford it!

Climb the stairs outside the Merchant's door and collect the items in the crate on the landing. Around the next corner, it looks and sounds like a group of Ganados are waiting for you, but as you approach it turns out they're already dead - don't waste ammo or items trying to take them out.

Keep going upstairs until you come to a dead end, then jump through the window on the right toward the sound of the chanting. Stay low as you move into the next room - if you remain unseen, the Ganados here won't see you until you've made it to the upper level.

Your goal is to kill the red-robed priest and take the lantern he's carrying. While he's alive, he can stun Leon from afar and cause Plagas to appear from his minions. The priest can take a lot of damage, so don't be afraid to use powerful weapons to finish him quickly. Take advantage of the red barrels throughout the area to deal with the rest of the Ganados, especially the Plagas.

After clearing the room, recover the Crimson Lantern from the priest and check the chest behind his starting area to get a Mirror with Pearls and Rubies. Take the Crimson Lantern back to the entrance and place it in the hands of the statue near the side door. In the next room, you can unlatch the door back to the altar, giving yourself an easy path back to the Merchant.

How To Solve The Lithographic Stones Puzzle

The solution to the lithographic stones puzzle in resident evil 4 remake

Climb the stairs opposite the door to the altar room and follow the path. In the next room, a cutscene will play. Afterward, you'll need to gather several items nearby:



Lithographic Stone A

Already in the mural to the right of the window.

Lithographic Stone B

In the basin next to the fireplace.

Lithographic Stone C

Hidden behind the furniture under the wall tapestry.

Lithographic Stone D

To the left of the bookshelves.

Velvet Blue

In the glass case to the left of the open window.

Extravagant Clock

In the chest to the left of the armor next to the fireplace.

When you have Lithographic Stones B, C, and D, bring them to the mural to the right of the window. Place them in the slots; you can then swap their positions and rotate flip them to show different icons. Arrange them in the following configuration:




Red Shield


Black Armor


Black Sword


Red Helmet

If you can't find the symbol you need, try looking on the flip side of a stone you've already placed.

Completing the puzzle will reveal a hidden door behind the mural. When you see a shadow move at the top of the stairs, check the area to the left that it came from to find a Small Key; you can use this to open the locked drawer back in the room where you encountered Ada and get a Brass Pocket Watch.

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How To Reach The Roof

leon kennedy approaches a lever for the castle's sun and moon doors in resident evil 4 remake

When you're ready, move the bookshelf blocking the door to the right. A Ganado will rush you from the other end of the hall; when you kill him, his Plaga will separate from his body and skitter toward you.

When both enemies are defeated, take the stairs on the right-hand side of the room they were in to find a Merchant room. Buy and sell as needed, and save at the typewriter. To open the door to the next area, smash the weight hanging from the ceiling.

Three Ganados will take shots at you with crossbows from the rooftop above. Eliminating them isn't necessary, but it can make crossing the drawbridge easier. Shoot the weight to the left of the drawbridge in order to lower it, and be prepared to fight the group waiting on the other side.

Inside the building, you'll find several levers; each will open or close every door in the area. Ignore the levers for now and climb the stairs to the left. There are two skittering Plagas and a Ganado at the top; take them out, then walk through the open gate. Climb down the ladder on the other side and continue. Loop around to the left to find a room filled with enemies; if you can fight your way to the center, a lantern hanging from the ceiling is a great way to ignite the entire group at once.

Once the Ganados are dealt with, pull the lever to cycle the doors. Follow the path and climb up when you see broken planks splashed with yellow paint.

Ignore the lever on your left and defeat the two Ganados on the next platform. Jump down through the hole in their room to reach an area that was blocked before. There are two more Ganados here, guarding a ladder and a side room with a chest containing an Ornate Necklace.

Climb the ladder and unbar the door at the top; climb the stairs beyond, fighting your way through the four Ganados blocking your path. The door to the next stairway should be open; if not, pull the lever next to it. The stairs lead to the roof, where you'll encounter a Gigante throwing boulders.

How To Defeat El Gigante On The Castle Roof

an armored gigante in resident evil 4 remake

El Gigante has great aim; so you'll need to make use of cover if you want to survive. The portcullises leading back to the areas you just navigated can be opened by shooting the nearby counterweights; as long as you're indoors, you're safe from the flying boulders.

To defeat El Gigante, look for a drop on the left immediately after he appears. Fight your way along the ramparts, focusing on getting to cover rather than killing Ganados.

There's a sturdy wall to the left of the area where you're ambushed by a pair of Ganados - use it for cover! If you're lucky, the Ganados will be taken out by friendly fire from El Gigante.

At the end of the rampart, you'll come to a Sun Gate that is likely closed; turn around and enter the Moon Gate behind you, being careful of the crossbow bolts and rocks coming your way. Pull the lever inside, then use the alternate exit to jump to the floor below. Quickly duck behind the wall to your left, then into the safety of the room behind you.

Shoot the cask on the ceiling to get a Ruby, then wait for an opportunity to take out the crossbowman covering the ladder outside. Wait for El Gigante to throw a rock, then quickly climb the ladder and run to the room to the right. Destroy the counterweight to raise the cannon to the top of the tower; if you saved the Small Key from earlier, you can use it on the Locked Drawer here.

Climb the ladder to the next floor and destroy the counterweight to raise the cannon again. It will be waiting for you at the top of the stairs.

Take cover until El Gigante throws a rock, then run out to the cannon. You'll have enough time to line up a shot directly at the monster's head. When El Gigante is defeated, aim the cannon to the left and destroy the castle gate; you can also use it to clear the Ganados guarding the approach.

Hop down to the left of the cannon and shoot the counterweight to your left to open the way back. As you approach the gate, a cutscene will trigger. When it's done, follow the corridor until you reach the end of the chapter.

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