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The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom's cast is filled with exciting and colorful characters worth the hours spent finding, meeting, and possibly assisting them. Of those characters, few are as precious and helpful as Tulin, the young son of Rito's village's elder, Teba.

RELATED: The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom - Sidon Of The Zora Walkthrough

His quest is part of the main story and must be completed in order to investigate the strange phenomena happening in the four main regions of Hyrule. Your reward for this quest will be the companionship of Tulin himself and his handy unique ability that will make flying the skies of Hyrule a breeze.

Reaching Rito Village

Lucky Clover Gazette Map Location In Tears Of The Kingdom

One of the hardest parts about Tulin's questline is reaching him to start it. You'll have to scale the Tabantha Frontier, facing heavy winds, bitter cold, and layers of snow.

To prepare, you'll want to cook some tasty warming meals. There aren't any warm clothes to find until you reach Rito Village, so you'll have to make do.

What route you take up into the mountains isn't important, but your main goal will be to reach the Lucky Clover Gazette.

You can also begin Princess Sightings at this location, allowing you to begin a series of valuable quests at each of Hyrule's stables.

Traveler Gives Hint To Link About Using Pine Cones To Reach Rito Village In Tears Of The Kingdom

In the area around the "fairly acquired" stable, you should be able to find pine cones sitting on the ground at the base of the trees.

Pick up at least one and run over to the fire on the edge of the cliff facing Rito Village. Here, the bridge has broken and isn't able to be crossed. Instead, you'll have to be cone-crafty.

Link Glides Across Canyon Broken Bridge To Rito Village In Tears Of The Kingdom

Throw your pine cone on the fire to create an updraft you can then use to glide over to the other side where Rito Village awaits.

Tulin can be found near the top of the village on a platform out to the right with his parents. Approach them to begin a dialogue with them. They'll give you insight into the situation and officially begin Tulin's questline.

Make certain to grab Gatakis Shrine on the right side of the Rito Village entrance stairs for a teleportation point on your way.

In The Heart Of The Mountains - Finding Tulin

Teba Comments On Two Bonfires Of Harth Home In Tears Of The Kingdom

On Teba's prompting, your attention will be drawn to the bonfires lit in the distance. These are visible from the platform you're standing on.

Jump off and glide over in that direction. If you don't have any stamina boosts, you likely won't make it all the way, but you should be able to land in an area not far from your location goal.

Arriving At Harth's Home During Blizzard In Tears Of The Kingdom

Head to the bonfire and step inside the home to talk with Harth. You'll learn Tulin has gone off on a mission, and you'll need to find him in the Heba South Summit Cave.

Grab the spicy peppers in this shack and do some more cooking while you're here, as this might be your last chance in a long time.

 In Tears Of The Kingdom Heba South Summit Cave Map Location

Heading up the mountain, you can either:

  • Continue up the snowy slope on foot through barricades of monsters to your goal at the top
  • Head to the Skyview Tower and glide over the monsters to your destination

Regardless, enter the cave with the lit torch outside to find the Rito hunting party inside.

Link Glides Over To A Cave Entrance Surrounded By Thorns In Tears Of The Kingdom

Tulin has gone ahead, so you'll need to race through the cave after him. From the entrance area, turn right through the bramble path until you reach a cavern with a strong updraft.

Jump off and ride the updraft to a path in the wall surrounded by brambles. Inside is a cavernous area with several ore deposits you can break open with a hammer.

In the wind chamber, you can also dive and break an ice chamber on the ground for more ore deposits.

Link Climbs Up Wall Just As Horriblin Notices Him In Tears Of The Kingdom

As you climb up the chamber with the ore deposits, you'll have to take care of the Horriblin crawling on the walls and ceiling in this area.

They'll attack on sight, and you'll need to deal with them with the hard-knock's school of life: whacking it several times with a weapon until it dies.

Follow the path to the end of the chamber where you will reach an unlit bonfire on a platform surrounded by water and near a torch.

Link Flies On Updraft From Pinecone Lit Fire Below In Tears Of The Kingdom

You can light this fire by several means:

  • Attach a fire fruit to an arrow and fire
  • Strike flint on the wood
  • Use a flame weapon like a flame-emitter or a ruby fused weapon
  • Set down and activate a Zonite flame-emitter

Once the fire has been lit, throw a pine cone on it to create a strong updraft. Use this updraft to glide up to a ledge above that leads to a chamber with small Talos and, eventually, another member of the Rito hunting party.

There is another ledge covered in brambles in this shaft. You'll need to clear the path ahead with fire of any source.

A Bubbulfrog can be found at the end of it. Once it's been defeated, you'll need to dive into the fire below again and use another pinecone to reach the required ledge.

Link Looks To Lone Cedar Atop Mountain In Distance In Tears Of The Kingdom

Tulin still hasn't learned the value of not splitting the party, so continue chasing after him down the bramble path Gesane points out for you.

At the dead end, either climb up or use Ascend to exit the cave near a small monster site. Take a moment to locate the lone cedar tree where Tulin supposedly flew off to.

Link Runs To Tulin From Cedar Tree To Cliff In Tears Of The Kingdom

Climb up the mountain, avoiding the raiding parties of monsters (they're quite strong, appear in groups, and aren't worth your time), and find Tulin standing on the ledge near the cedar tree.

Speak with Tulin to learn that his bow has been taken by the nearby flying Aerocuda.

To get it back, you'll need to shoot it down with your bow; however, this isn't the best place to do it. Tulin will assist by granting you his wind power.

Tulin Wind Power Explained After Acquiring In Tears Of The Kingdom

Tulin's wind power can be activated by interacting with Tulin with A and then pressing A again.

This will create a powerful straight-line gust that will increase your speed while gliding. It's an exceptionally powerful tool while airborne.

Use this new power to glide over to the platform with the fire ahead.

Link Faces Three Bokoblins On Snowy Platform With Tulin In Tears Of The Kingdom

Once you've landed on the platform, shoot an arrow at the flying Aerocuda. One arrow will be enough to defeat it, and Tulin will recover his bow.

Monsters will then appear in a group of three. You'll have to take them on, but now you aren't alone. Tulin will assist with his bow, and his great accuracy means he often lands stunning headshots that can be greatly useful in combat.

Defeat all three monsters to end combat and have a short conversation with Harth. It's time to sort out this blizzard nonsense.

Ascent To The Wind Temple

Link Looks Toward Pillar At Summit Of Mountain On Way To Wind Dungeon In Tears Of The Kingdom

The ascent to the source of the storm is a long and tedious journey that will require you to use Tulin's Wind, your Ascent power, and no small amount of smart stamina usage.

From the monsters' area, fly over to the mountain where the tower to the sky islands is connected at the peak. That tower is your goal, so climb the mountain across several stones and platforms until you reach it.

There is a balloon under the platforms on the side of the mountain you can build to ride up and ignore most of the climbing.

This will allow both you and Link to save some time and energy and ignore the threat of enemies on your way.

You can increase this balloon's speed and allotted time by creating a flame-emitter and charging it with more batteries.

 In Tears Of The Kingdom Link Prepares To Use Gust Beside Talin And Huck On Wind Temple Journey

If you're going by foot, you'll eventually find a platform with Huck. Talk with him and then use Tulin's wind to glide across the platforms ahead.

Eventually, you'll find a tall pillar that stretches far above you. There's a platform under it you can stand on, allowing you to use ascent on the pillar up to the top.

As you reach the top, you'll spy a shrine far ahead. Race across the platforms toward it until Tulin prompts you to notice the ship.

Tulin Comments On Finding A Trampoline Boat In Tears Of The Kingdom

This ship has a sail on top of it that acts as a trampoline. Making contact with it will restore your stamina and throw you high into the air. This will be important for later platforming and the dungeon ahead.

Use this ship to make your way over the shrine, using Ascend from below if you don't make it all the way.

Stop here, at Mayaumekis Shrine to create a teleportation checkpoint and learn crucial mechanics that will help you on the road ahead.

Link Glides Away From Mayaumekis Shrine Toward Skyward Path In Tears Of The Kingdom

Outside the Shrine, continue along the upwards path using your paraglider and Tulin's wind.

A chest of Portable pots can be found atop a pillar with icicles protruding from the bottom; use them to create any more dishes as needed.

Link Glides To A Pillar Window Filled With Icicles In Tears Of The Kingdom

From the Portable Pot chest, jump over into the icicle-covered window in the pillar to the right. Use Ascend and glide over with Tulin to the platform with the large stone gateway to the northwest.

Ahead, you'll see enemy Zonai on some of the platforms, but you can ignore them as you glide over to the platform with the large icy circle. Break it to find a ship sail beneath you can trampoline off of to proceed.

Link Prepares To Fire Bomb Flower Arrow At Rocks Blocking Ship Sail In Tears Of The Kingdom

Again, you'll find an important platform, but this one will have a square filled with breakable rocks. Destroy the rocks with either a hammer or a bomb flower to reveal yet another sail.

From this ship, fly over to a very tall collection of several staircases going up. An icy circle can be found on the left side of the staircase. Break it to reveal a ship sail you can jump off of to carry on.

Link Falls Onto Ship Sail Near Flying Aerocuda Enemies In Tears Of The Kingdom

From here, there will be flying Aerocuda on your path and around a flying ship you'll need to jump onto in order to stay in the air.

Like earlier, you'll want to aim for the large platforms with the gateways on top of them. It is here that you'll find several Zonai.

Link Finishes Running Across Falling Bridge Toward Large Staircase Gateway In Tears Of The Kingdom

Instead of fighting the Zonai in the area with the large gateways, ignore them and begin sprinting ahead on a long stone bridge.

It will begin to fall underneath you, so time is of the essence. Run to the other side and let gravity defeat the Zonai behind you.

Continue to an area with two sets of stairs and a pair of Zonai enemies. Defeat them both to reveal another square with breakable boulders.

These lead to an underground path with a chest where a Large Zonaite Charge is held. Grab it and use Ascend to return.

Link Uses Balloon To Climb Toward Wind Temple In Tears Of The Kingdom

Climb the stairs to an area where balloon parts can be found. You can build a successful balloon by:

  • Placing a platform flat on the ground
  • Attaching the flame-emitter facing upwards in the center
  • Attaching a balloon on the top of the flame-emitter
 In Tears Of The Kingdom Link Finishes Using Ascend On Pillar To Reach Boat

Step onto your balloon, strike the flame-emitter, and ride it until you can successfully jump onto a platform beneath a tall pillar. Do so and use Ascend on the pillar.

At the top of the pillar, climb the nearby stairs and jump off onto the boat sail.

Link Glides Over To Gateway Pillar Near Kahatanaum Shrine In Tears Of The Kingdom

Angle yourself to jump across a series of moving boats, ignoring the icy circle on the way unless another boat is required, and make your way to the large platform with yet another gateway.

Tulin should comment now on the cold, and you'll need to begin eating your warm food from now on.

Nearby, there's a shrine. It's known as Kahatanaum Shrine: Raoru's Blessing. It's a free blessing with no trials or puzzles, so walk in for the free prize before continuing.

Link Jumps Up From Sail Besides Wind Temple Storm In Tears Of The Kingdom

From Kahatanaum Shrine, jump over onto the moving boats near the storm. The goal is to continue to the platform with the very large staircase above.

There are no gimmicks beyond timing good jumps and practicing your angling to catch the ships in time, so continue trying until you find a path that works best for you.

Link Glides Toward The Eye Of The Storm Wind Temple In Tears Of The Kingdom

Once you reach the staircase, climb to the top of it and jump onto one of the boats below. This will position you over the eye of the storm.

Angle yourself to dive into the storm and descend to the Wind Temple. It's a long puzzle dungeon; completing it and defeating its boss is necessary to complete Tulin's quest.

When the Wind Temple is completed, you only need to return to Rito Village where you first met Tulin, and speak with him and Teba.

Afterward, Tulin's quest will be completed, and you'll receive the ability to travel with Tulin's avatar.

NEXT: The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom - Riju Of Gerudo Town Walkthrough