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Resident Evil 4 Remake brings back the fan-favorite score attack mode, The Mercenaries, which first appeared in the original RE4 game. This high-intensity subgame lets players throw caution to the wind and blast their way through dozens of enemies at a time with little regard for ammo. It's a cathartic way to show Los Illuminados who's boss!

Related: Resident Evil 4 Remake: Shooting Gallery Guide

Best of all, The Mercenaries allows players to try fighting as characters besides Leon. Each playable character has a unique loadout and play style, entirely changing your approach to each map. We've got all the info on each character - which one is right for you?

Updated May 22, 2023: We've added a video guide to this article that breaks down everything you need to know about The Mercenaries.


Leon Kennedy with the SG-09 in Resident Evil 4 Remake: The Mercenaries

When you play The Mercenaries for the first time, the only available character is Leon. Chances are you'll feel pretty comfortable with his style, as it's effectively identical to the main game. He has the most balanced loadout of all the characters, and uses the melee moves to which you've grown accustomed.

Starting Inventory

  • SG-09 Handgun
    • Laser Sight
    • 48 Handgun Ammo
  • Riot Gun
    • 18 Shotgun Shells
  • Stingray Rifle
    • High-Powered Scope
    • 14 Rifle Ammo
  • Combat Knife
  • First Aid Spray

Leon is the only character with a shotgun, and it will be your primary defense against elite enemies like Doctor Salvador. Try to conserve your Shotgun Shells for bosses and situations where you're cornered and need to clear a path. You can also use it strategically during Mayhem Mode to drive up your score, as each pellet that hits will earn bonus points.

If you prefer the standard crosshairs, you can freely equip and unequip the Laser Sight from the SG-09. You'll have to do it at the beginning of each match, however.

Mayhem Mode

Leon's Mayhem Mode is as straightforward as it gets - while it's active, he moves faster and deals more damage with attacks. Most headshots with the SG-09 will be fatal to standard Ganados while in Mayhem Mode - just watch out for emerging Plagas! While other characters are best saving Mayhem Mode for boss fights and clutch situations, you can use it pretty freely as Leon without having to worry.


Luis Sera with the Red9 in Resident Evil 4 Remake: The Mercenaries

Luis is unlocked after achieving an A-Rank or better on any map as Leon. As someone who relies more on his wits than his weapons, Luis can be a tricky but rewarding character to use. He's the weakest character in close combat due to his slow melee attacks and basic knife but excels at long range. However, the lack of safe sniping positions on most maps means he needs to keep moving in order to survive.

If you're stuck in close combat, use perfect parries to stagger enemies. Luis has a slow but powerful wide swing when several enemies are around, and using it as much as possible when cornered is key when playing as him.

Starting Inventory

  • Red9 Handgun
    • 40 Handgun Ammo
  • M1903 Rifle
    • Biosensor Scope
    • 14 Rifle Ammo
  • Flash Grenade
  • Boot Knife
  • 2 First Aid Sprays

The Red9 hits hard, but its slow firing and reload speed coupled with its limited ammo capacity make it easy to get cornered. Always aim for weak spots and use melee followups to escape rather than to rack up kills.

The M1903 is fully upgraded and even has a Biosensor Scope, making it very easy to pick out targets. Whenever you're sniping, remember to check behind you after every few shots - the Ganados will try to sneak up on you if you aren't vigilant.

Save the Flash Grenade for emergencies until you find more; Luis has the hardest time dealing with bosses, so you may need to use it to escape a chainsaw charge rather than to kill Plagas.

Mayhem Mode

When Luis enters Mayhem Mode, he places a bundle of dynamite that will explode after a few seconds. Once it explodes, you can manually place another one as long as you're still in Mayhem Mode. With a full meter, you can usually deploy three bombs in a single Mayhem.

Dynamite is Luis' primary means of handling groups, since he doesn't have a shotgun or SMG. Find a moderately safe spot, ideally one with an easily-accessible exit, and hold out for as long as you can. When things start to get rough, enter Mayhem Mode and run. Keep dropping bombs to ward off any pursuers until you reach your next position, then repeat the process.

Related: Resident Evil 4 Remake: All Village Treasure Locations


major jack krauser in resident evil 4 remake: the mercenaries

Jack Krauser is unlocked after getting an A-Rank or better on any map with Luis. As you might expect after playing the main story, he's a tireless melee machine! Krauser can rack up ridiculous combos by simply standing in the middle of the stage and slicing up any Ganados that get within arms reach, and his tactical gear lets him use the environment to his advantage.

Starting Inventory

  • EJF-338 Compound Bow
    • 4 Explosive Arrows
  • TMP Submachine Gun
    • 60 SMG Ammo
  • Fighting Knife
  • First Aid Spray
  • 8 Flash Grenades

Krauser's knife is the standout in his arsenal; unlike the one in the main game, it never breaks, allowing you to use it as much as you want. You can even parry chainsaws without having to worry!

Krauser's knife animation is very different from Leon's. Keep the knife at the ready (the same way you'd make a thrust attack with Leon) and Krauser will make rapid swings that can catch multiple enemies!

The Compound Bow has limited ammo, and you'll only find more arrows in small quantities, so it's best saved for bosses. The blasts from the explosive arrows are more than capable of scoring a knockdown on elite enemies, letting you close in for several knife strikes before they get back up.

The TMP doesn't have the stock equipped, so it's very inaccurate. The best use for it is detonating red barrels, so be careful not to pick up too much SMG ammo. Otherwise, you'll clutter your inventory late in the match!

Mayhem Mode

Entering Mayhem Mode causes Krauser to assume his mutated form from the boss fight at the end of Chapter Fourteen. He can't run or use ranged weapons (including grenades) while transformed, but his arm blades hit like a truck. He also gains access to a charge attack that will quickly drain his Mayhem meter but heavily damage anything in his path.

Unlike other Mayhem abilities, Krauser's is best for cutting through large hordes. It can also put down enemies like Brutes with little problem, but leaves you open to insta-kill attacks like chainsaws.


HUNK in Resident Evil 4 Remake: The Mercenaries

Hunk, the mysterious member of Umbrella's elite security division, is unlocked after getting an A-Rank or better on any map with Krauser. He has a limited arsenal, but his melee followups will instantly kill any foe - including bosses! This attack is slow, however, and doesn't have an area effect like Leon's roundhouse kick, so don't rely on it too much or you'll quickly run down the clock.

Starting Inventory

  • LE-5 Submachine Gun
    • 220 SMG Ammo
  • Boot Knife
  • 8 Hand Grenades
  • First Aid Spray

Hunk's sole firearm, the LE-5, deals exceptional damage at close- and mid-range. A quick three-round burst will drop most standard Ganados and can stagger bosses to allow for a deadly melee attack. Its reload time leaves something to be desired, though, and Hunk's knife won't stand up to many parries, so if you get overwhelmed throw a grenade and flee to a better position.

Mayhem Mode

Hunk's Mayhem Mode lets players unleash a torrent of bullets; as long as it's active, Hunk's gun never runs out of ammo or needs to be reloaded. It's a great way to eliminate a lot of enemies quickly, or to focus fire on a single boss.

Next: Resident Evil 4 Remake: All Wind-Up Doll Locations